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Semi Permanent Make Up Info & Pricing

What is Semi Permanent Make Up?

Semi-permanent make up also known as cosmetic tattooing, is a method of implanting pigment into the upper layer of the skin to create a natural-looking cosmetic enhancement. It is typically associated with brows, eyes and lips. Unlike traditional tattoos, semi-permanent makeup & cosmetic tattoos will eventually fade over time. The length of time that semi-permanent makeup lasts depends on a number of factors, including the type & colour of pigment used, as well as skin type & how well you adhere to aftercare.

What are the benefits of Semi Permanent Make Up?

Semi-permanent make up is great for a variety reasons, it’s ideal if you’re someone who:
- Doesn’t have a lot of time in the mornings
- Doesn’t really wear make-up but still wants ‘something’
- Travels a lot (wants to minimise packing, doesn’t like to have a ‘naked’ face poolside or when camping & so on)
- Has sensitive skin or allergies that can make it difficult for you to wear traditional makeup
- Simply wants to gain a more permanent brow shape, eyeliner or lip colour!

Does cosmetic tattooing hurt?

The pain level associated with semi-permanent make up varies depending on the area of the procedure, as well as your individual pain tolerance. Ultimately, while you may experience some minimal discomfort during the procedure, most people don’t find it to be any more painful than getting a regular tattoo – I thought it was a bit stingy at times if that! That said, I do apply numbing cream prior to all semi-permanent make up treatments.

Who should avoid Semi Permanent Make Up?

Anyone who has had recent cosmetic surgery/aesthetic treatments, or is pregnant, are not suitable for makeup tattoos. Additionally, clients with a history of keloid scarring or poor wound healing may need to proceed with caution when considering semi-permanent makeup treatments. However, we will discuss everything including any concerns at your consultation.

Does Semi Permanent Make Up fade completely?

In short – no. Even though the ink used in semi-permanent makeup is different from those used in body tattoos (intended to be permanent), they both penetrate the epidermis and enter the dermis (the second layer of skin). This is why, over time, all tattoos – both permanent and semi-permanent – begin to fade, and that is why it is recommended to have ‘colour boost’ appointment every 12-18 months.

The most common types of Semi Permanent Make Up are:

Eyebrow tattooing: This involves implanting pigment into the skin to create natural-looking brows. It is often used to fill in sparse or thinning eyebrow hair, or to create perfectly shaped eyebrows. The technique used (hairstroke, powder or combination brows) whilst taking into consideration your desired look, will largely depend on your skin type.

Semi Permanent Eyeliner: Tattooing your lash line is a great way to enhance & define your eyes, it’s not as scary as it sounds! You can have just top liner or top & bottom & the choice of two techniques:
Lash Enhancement liner – A thin line is applied across the lash line to subtly enhance, as if you’ve had them freshly tinted.
Liquid look liner – A thicker line can be applied to give the look of make-up, as if you’ve just popped on some liquid liner!

Lip Blush tattooing: Semi Permanent lip makeup is a great option for those who struggle to get lip make up to last/can’t be bothered to top up throughout the day, for people with naturally thin lips or someone who fancies some lip colour all the time. Lip blush can also be used to create the appearance of larger, plumper lips to give that perfect pout look! You can opt for a natural shade or if you’re someone who wears a bright lippy most days…go for that!

SPMU Price List

All prices include top up appointment at 4-8 weeks.
A 50% booking fee is required upon booking, fee will be put towards treatments booked with the remainder payable on the day.
All SPMU treatments are performed at a nearby Aesthetics clinic, address will be given upon booking. Consultations will be held at the salon & must be done 48+ before treatment.
Please view booking terms here before booking.

Hairstroke Brows  - £210
Powder Brows - £230
Combination Brows - £255

Lip Blush - £250

Lash Enhancement Liner (top) - £150
Lash Enhancement Liner (top & bottom) - £180
Liquid Look Liner (top) - £190
All liner is on a limited time offer

SPMU Colour Boosts
Eyebrow Colour Boost (up to 11 months) - £150
Eyebrow Colour Boost (up to 12-18 months) - £175

Lip Blush Colour Boost (up to 11 months) - £170

Liner Colour Boost (up to 18 months) - £170